| SciLab® 20Lit Mini CO2 Incubator & CO2 Shaking Incubator “WiseCube® SIC-20 & SICS-20”, 4℃~45℃ & 0~10% CO2 Programmable PID Controlled 0.1℃ & 0.1%, Compact Design for Saving Space/Money, Ideal for Cell/Tissue Culture With Cooling/Heating system of Peltier Element/Auto-Tuning/Safety Device, 저온 미니 CO2 배양기 & CO2 진탕 배양기 | Sales code : SG25CAT00000140 | ₫ 0 | |
| SciLab® Air-jacketed CO2 Incubator “ICA-S”, 101 & 150 Lit, 0~20% CO2, Up to 50℃, ±0.1℃ With Precision CO2 Sensor, UV Lamp 254nm, Microprocessor PID Control, Fan Forced-Convection, 2 Shelf Included, CO2 인큐베이터 | Sales code : SG25CAT00000141 | ₫ 0 | |
| SciLab® 4℃~45℃ 20 Lit Mini-Low Temperature Incubator & Shaking Incubator “WiseCube® SIR-20 & SIRS-20” 2-Step Programmable PID Controlled 0.1℃, Compact Design for Saving Space/Money, Ideal for Culture & Storage of Microorganism/Clone With Cooling/Heating system of Peltier Element/Auto-Tuning/Safety Device, 저온 미니-배양기 & 진탕 배양기, 20Lit, 4℃~45℃/0.1℃ | Sales code : SG25CAT00000142 | ₫ 0 | |
| SciLab® Precise Shaking Incubator “WiseCube® SI-20”, BenchTop-type, up to 60℃ & 1000㎖ With Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, RS232C Interface for PC, Orbital Motion, 30~250 rpm, 101 Lit 진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 벤치 탑 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal Platform 포함 | Sales code : SG25CAT00000150 | ₫ 0 | |
| SciLab® Precise Shaking Incubator “WiseCube® SI-30”, Front Door-type, up to 60℃ & 1000㎖ With Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, RS232C Interface for PC, Orbital Motion, 30~250 rpm, 127 Lit 진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 전면도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지제어, Universal Platform 포함 | Sales code : SG25CAT00000151 | ₫ 0 | |
| SciLab® Precise Shaking Incubator “WiseCube® SI-10”, Top Door-type, Orbital Motion, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃ With Universal Platform, Fuzzy Control, with or without illuminators & Recorder, 30~250 rpm, with Certi. & Traceability 진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 탑 도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal Platform 포함 | Sales code : SG25CAT00000152 | ₫ 0 | |
| SciLab® Multi-Stack Refrigerated Shaking Incubator “WiseCube® SI-ML”, Orbital Motion, with 2 & 4 Universal Platform With Digital Fuzzy Control, 2 or 4 Independent Shaking Speed Control, 10℃~60℃, 30~250 rpm, 2 & 4 Stack 대형 멀티 진탕 배양기, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, 2 & 4 Universal Platform 포함 | Sales code : SG25CAT00000153 | ₫ 0 | |
| DAIHAN® 20Lit Mini CO2 Incubator & CO2 Shaking Incubator “IC-20 & ICS-20”, 4℃~45℃ & 0~10% CO2 Programmable PID Controlled 0.1℃ & 0.1%, Compact Design for Saving Space/Money, Ideal for Cell/Tissue Culture With Cooling/Heating system of Peltier Element/Auto-Tuning/Safety Device, 저온 미니 CO2배양기 & CO2진탕 배양기 | Sales code : DG25CAT00001233 | ₫ 0 | |
| DAIHAN® Air-jacketed CO2 Incubator “ICA”, 101 & 150 Lit, 0~20% CO2, Up to 50℃, ±0.1℃ With Precision CO2 Sensor, UV Lamp 254nm, Microprocessor PID Control, Fan Forced-Convection, 2 Shelf Included, CO2 인큐베이터 | Sales code : DG25CAT00001234 | ₫ 0 | |
| DAIHAN® 4℃~45℃ 20 Lit Mini-Low Temperature Incubator & Shaking Incubator “IR-20 & IRS-20” 2-Step Programmable PID Controlled 0.1℃, Compact Design for Saving Space/Money, Ideal for Culture & Storage of Microorganism/Clone With Cooling/Heating system of Peltier Element/Auto-Tuning/Safety Device, 저온 미니-배양기 & 진탕 배양기, 20Lit, 4℃~45℃/0.1℃ | Sales code : DG25CAT00001235 | ₫ 0 | |